When It Comes to Cocktails, Does a Clever Name Matter?

What’s in a name? Whether it’s the Oaxaca Old Fashioned that helped put Death & Co. on the map or A Lonely Island Lost In The Middle of A Foggy Sea that you ordered last night at the tiki bar, a cocktail’s name is like packaging that can make a guest choose one drink over another. Recently, however, bartenders have been abandoning the centuries-old tradition of naming cocktails in favor of a more streamlined approach.

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How Successful Bars Expand Into New Markets—And Survive

Tight-knit bar communities are not always safe places for outsiders looking to stake their claim. This is particularly true in Chicago, a city built on the backs of the native bartenders who elevated it from plastic-cup-bound vodka-sodas to Old Fashioneds served in glass spheres. When Broken Shaker co-owners Gabe Orta and Elad Zvi chose downtown Chi-Town for the second Broken Shaker, the announcement was met with equal excitement and hesitation. How would the poolside Miami lounge translate to frigid Chicago?

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